Ready to Read?

Benefits of reading and how to encourage your child to love it – Carey Ann Dodah, Director of Curriculum Strategy at Explore Learning New research by tuition provider, Explore Learning has revealed that the UK’s love of reading is very much alive. One in three Brits read every day for pleasure, whilst 39% read once…

One to one tuition – is it worth it?

Henry Fagg, founder of, a specialist directory and resource website for private tuition, takes a look at the benefits of one to one tuition. One-to-one learning has traditionally been called private tuition, although its uptake in state schools as a remedial measure has meant that it is sometimes called just one-to-one, or personal, tuition….

Not In The Mood?

We’ve discussed the practice of mindfulness for learners on the blog previously and another tool to help children better understand themselves is the mood diary. A mood diary helps to build up a picture of when certain feelings might be triggered. It’s as much about positive feelings as negative. We all see our productivity, concentration,…

Creativity Killers?

Parents of visual learners know that art, drama, sports and other creative subjects, are not a separate part of the curriculum but an important part of how a lot of children learn and absorb information. Visual learners like to “see” concepts in illustrations, exhibitions, displays and cartoons. Along with kinaesthetic learners, they learn well through…

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