Growth Mind-set

The brain is a funny thing, working in mysterious ways. It controls not only our movements but also every decision we make.  However, although many things we do are dictated by outside forces, the way in which we choose to react is up to us. This is our ‘mind set’.  Your mind set plays a…

Back to School

With the end of the school holidays in sight, some of us will be turning our attentions to the new school year. With 1 in 5 people known to be dyslexic, the new academic year will, no doubt, throw up its fair share of learning (and teaching) challenges. Recognising the signs of learning difficulties is…

Dyslexia and Genetics

Did I pass on my dyslexia? The answer to that question is ‘very probably’. Research shows that genes do play a role in dyslexia, causing a significant chance of dyslexia being passed down through generations. There are six possible genes that may contribute to dyslexia; however other factors can contribute to causing this condition. There…

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